Meeting Minutes

September Minutes

August Minutes

Meeting with Attention to Business August 11, 2024

Present:  Kathy Ress, John Edgerton, Susan Gallagher, Linda Beaty, Leah Holden, Janet Dando

After a period of worshipful silence, Friends turned to the business of the meeting.
1. Friends approved the minutes of the May, June, and July business meetings. They can now be posted on the website.
2. Leah presented the treasurer’s report. We received a donation from the Estate of Shirley Parsons in the amount of $4,049.25. The $200 check we sent to AIIA. has cleared. We now have a balance of $5,696.25.
3. Old Business
     A. Janet sent the Statistical Report to LEYM.
     B. Janet also sent a thank you note to Stephanie Parsons regarding the bequest her mother made to us.
     C. Several weeks ago, Leah suggested that we determine our meeting’s purposes and/or priorities before we    consider spending money. After careful consideration we brought forward the following purposes:
a.  We support our members in their personal ministries and in times of difficulty.          
b.  We are a voice for peace and social justice in the community..                                                                                c.  We are a spiritual home for those who wish to pursue the Quaker way.                                                                  d.  We are a link to the wider Quaker organizations.
Friends agreed to adopt these purposes, and also agreed that they should appear on our website. Leah agreed to add them to the website.
4. New Business
We discussed the possibility of meeting at the 910 Building on North Main Street. Each Friend offered his/her feelings. While most Friends felt the move offered us a more public presence, and might allow for the growth of the meeting, we still had some questions about the specifics of an arrangement to meet there. Friends agreed that Janet should contact Joy Fenton-Jones and try to get more details.
     5. There were no announcements.
Friends returned to silence for a short time before breaking meeting.