Invitation to Quaker Worship

Relax and take comfort in the stillness.

Quakers are members of the Religious Society of Friends, a faith that emerged as a new Christian denomination in England during a period of religious turmoil in the mid-1600’s and is practiced today in a variety of forms around the world. The words “Quaker” and “Friend” mean the same thing in this context.

Akron Friends Meeting welcomes you to Meeting for Worship. We gather in worshipful silence, intending to open ourselves wholly to the Divine Spirit, which we believe is within and beyond each person.  Our worship has no designated leader and no planned program.

When you join us, you will usually find people sitting quietly. Occasionally someone speaks for a moment or two, after which the Meeting settles back into silence. Spoken messages may occur many times during a meeting, or there may be none at all. It is customary not to respond or reply to vocal ministry, rather to listen carefully and contemplate the meaning of the message. No designated minister speaks or prays at an appointed time.

Each person present shares the responsibility for worship and may share in its blessing. The idea is to open yourself as fully as possible to receive messages. Some Friends meditate. Some consider a phrase, or an image. Some simply wait expectantly. Some try to relax as fully as possible. Some consider a particular problem they or someone else is currently experiencing. 

At the close of Meeting we rise from our seats and greet each other, following the lead of someone who is designated by the Meeting to do this. After the conclusion of Meeting visitors are invited to chat with us and to sign the visitors’ book.

What you might hear:

“Friends” – members and attenders of the Friends Meeting

“The Light” – Divine Spirit, “that of God” that exists in each person

“Hold someone in the Light” – hold someone in care or pray for them, usually during difficult times

“Leading” – a sense that there is a specific course of action for a person to take in accordance with Divine will

“Vocal ministry” – a spoken message that the Friend senses is a genuine leading of the Spirit, arising from a deeply spiritual motion, intended for the whole Meeting, rather than being personal guidance

“Testimony” – a fundamental Quaker principle, especially the testimonies of equality, nonviolence, simplicity, integrity, and community