Meeting Minutes

January 2025 Minutes

Akron Friends Meeting

Meeting with Attention to Business

January 12, 2025

Present:  Leah Holden, Linda Beaty, Kathy Ress, Jen Kidd, Janet Dando

After a period of worshipful silence, Friends turned their attention to the business of the meeting.

1.  Friends approved the minutes of the November meeting as written.

2. Leah presented the treasurer’s report. She has sent our donations to Lake Erie Yearly Meeting and all the other Quaker organizations we support. Our current balance is $4,593.75.

3. Old Business

     Friends agreed to send a donation of $100 to the 915 Project.

4. New Business

There was none.

5. Announcements

     LEYM sent a notice about this year’s Annual Sessions which mentioned a bill in the Ohio legislature to abolish the death penalty.

Friends returned to silence for a short period before breaking meeting.